SCCD Faculty Development Podcasts

Monday, June 05, 2006

Faculty Development Podcast #23

This is the final Faculty Development podcast for the 2005 - 2006 academic year! It includes a couple reminders and an interview with Geoff Mathay, Deaf Studies instructor at Seattle Central who is pictured to the left. Geoff will be the next Faculty Development Coordinator but he won't start until Fall of 2007. Listen to the podcast to find out why.

Faculty Development Grant applications for professional development activities in June, July, August, and September, are due to the FD Office on Monday, June 12 by 5PM. For updated applications and the 2006 - 2007 Grant Guidelines, visit the FD web site at

Here's a link to the Faculty Development Podcast #23 Interview with Geoff Mathay (20:56 minutes).

Here's a link to the transcript.

As always, your comments are welcome! And, have a wonderful summer.