SCCD Faculty Development Podcasts

Monday, April 24, 2006

Faculty Development Podcast #18

The photo above (taken with my cell phone camera so forgive the quality) shows Cathy Ruiz (SCCC), Stephanie Owings (NSCC), Julie Masura (NSCC), Maria Ales (SCCC), Judy Blair (SCCC), Sherry Tuinstra (NSCC), Lynn Kanne (SCCC), and Kelley McHenry (SCCC) at the Learning and Technology Conference in Seattle last weekend.

In addition to some comments about the conference, this podcast includes announcements about the Faculty Development workshops I'll be offering this week. I've also included some information about Writely, a web-based word procesor I've recently discovered. Look out Bill. MS Office may become obsolete! Finally, I've given a very short overview of an evaluation on podcasting at the University of Washington. I'll add a link to the complete evaluation below.

Here's a link to Podcast #18.

Here's a link to the transcript.

Podcasting at the UW: An Evaluation of Current Use.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Faculty Development Podcast #17

Welcome to the first Faculty Development Podcast for Spring Quarter. I'll be posting my podcasts from a blog this quarter. It's a great way to include play notes and images and it's so easy to do. In fact, I've become such a fan of posting podcasts this way that I've talked Pamela Wilkins into giving blogging workshops in conjunction with my podcasting workshops this quarter.

In this podcast I announce the workshops I'll be giving this quarter, share from an interesting new book I'm reading (Multimedia Learning by Richard Mayer), and update you on new podcasting resources at Seattle Community College.

Here's a link to Podcast #17. 7:01 minutes

And, here's a copy of the podcast transcript.

Here's a link to learn more about the book Multimedia Learning.

Finally, here's a link to the Online Professional Development Calendar - the best place to find up to date information on the workshops and other professional development activities during Spring Quarter.

Please feel free to leave me a comment!